How to organize lingerie drawers?
Underwear, as we know, if not stored correctly can really take up a lot of space unnecessarily, especially since these are items that all of us women use every day and change with considerable frequency. This is why it is necessary to organize the lingerie drawers correctly, because an orderly arrangement allows us to choose the most suitable one every day, with a significant saving of time, space and energy. After all, underwear does not need to be ironed, and once dry it must simply be organized in a practical way, following some simple precautions. Let's see which ones are the best!

How to properly organize lingerie drawers: useful tips
The lingerie drawer is perhaps the most difficult to keep tidy. But the difficulty of arranging underwear correctly, and keeping panties, bras, babydolls and other clothing tidy, derives above all from poor organization of drawers, which are often arranged without using special dividers or organizers. A good solution to avoid disorder, in fact, is represented by the use of small organization tricks, such as the use of convenient dividers that allow you to keep the different underwear items separate in the various compartments of the drawer. Try to imagine the simplicity of the choice in a drawer organized in this way, with different dividers each containing its own item, choosing the right lingerie for the clothing will become very easy.
On sale you can find different types and models, choose the one that's right for you paying attention to practicality, and remember that the more well organized the dividers are, the more you will be able to keep your lingerie in order. Furthermore, the use of dividers and other organization strategies that we will see later also allows you to save space and obtain a nice visual effect.
The most useful methods for organizing lingerie drawers: organizing based on personal habits
To organize your lingerie drawers and keep them tidy every day, you must also take into account your personal habits, which allow you to catalog the different items and keep your underwear in an orderly manner. Naturally, each has its own rules, although a useful suggestion could be to organize the different types of underwear based on color and model, for example arranging the light-coloured briefs on one side and the colored ones on the opposite side. For correct organization it is advisable to start with the darkest lingerie, placing it at the bottom so that you find the white items in front immediately after opening the drawer. By following this organization scheme you will also be able to match underwear items to your daily outfit more easily.
How to organize lingerie in relation to the type
To orient yourself in the choice of underwear, such as thongs, briefs or thongs, it may be useful to divide the underwear based on the type, placing these items in different compartments, in relation to their characteristics. To save space in your drawers, for example, you can place push-up bras on one side and non-wired bras on another. Taking care to place the classic panties in a specific compartment (all together), while the culottes, thongs and other clothing in another, sorting them all in the same place if they belong to the same type. Also in this case it is advisable to place the most worn models immediately in front of you, so as to find them immediately without rummaging and therefore creating a mess.
Arranging underwear according to use: a great lingerie organization strategy
Here's another trick that allows you to save time and keep your drawers always tidy: cataloging lingerie based on use. To keep your drawers tidy, all you need to do is separate the underwear you normally use for the gym from the one you use for free time or for work, always taking into account the colors and type. Also in this case it is advisable to divide the garments based on the type, using different compartments inside the drawer (it is always advisable to place the lingerie for daily use in the foreground, immediately in front). Particular lingerie, such as bodysuits, slips and babydolls, must never be arranged randomly, because this would also make it difficult to choose the most suitable garments for the outfit. Furthermore, if petticoats and babydolls are made of silk, it is preferable to keep them on a hanger so as not to wrinkle them.
How to make drawers scented: the importance of fragrance in organizing lingerie
Even the scent of the linen is important! To ward off moths and give a pleasant scent to your lingerie, I recommend using a DIY scented sachet, made up of orange peels and cloves. Alternatively you can buy ready-to-use scented sachets, choosing from the numerous fragrances available on sale.